International Conference “To China and back: Matteo Ripa’s Legacy 300 years after his return to Naples

9.00 Institutional greetings
Prof. Donatella Guida, History of China, Director of the Matteo Ripa Centre and historical archives
Prof. Roberta Giunta, Dean of the Department of Asian, African and Mediterranean studies
Prof. Adriano V. Rossi, President of the International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies (ISMEO)
Prof. Wu Junru, Co-Director of the Confucius Institute, Naples
Session 1- Environment
Chair: Prof. Donatella Guida
9.30-9.55 Nicoletta Marini D’Armenia, UniOr
Naples at Matteo Ripa’s Time
9.55-10.20 Emanuele Colombo, Boston College, Boston
From Naples to the World: Early Modern Missionary Stories
Session 2 – Journey
10.20-10.45 Carlo Vecce, UniOr
Discovering China: Storytelling in Matteo Ripa’s journal
10.45-11.00 Q&A
11.00-11.30 coffee break
Session 3 – Return
Chair: Prof. Carlo Vecce
11.30-11.55 Han Zhaoqing, Fudan University, Shanghai
A study of Copper version of Kangxi-era overview map of the imperial territory (康熙<皇舆全览图>) brought to ltaly by Matteo Ripa
11.55-12.20 Anna Chiara Trapani, UniOr
Echoes from 1724: Matteo Ripa’s Return from the Qjng Empire
Session 4 – Legacy
12.20-12.45 Donatella Guida, UniOr
Fragments of Lives: The first four alumni of the Chinese College through unpublished documents from the UniOr archives
12.45-13.10 Adriano V. Rossi, ISMEO, Rome
From the Collegio dei Cinesi to the Real Collegio Asiatico: The First Century of Oriental Studies in Naples
13.10-13.30 Q&A
13.30 Conclusion